This project explores MASKED, a short film created as part of the M.Des program at IDC, IIT Bombay. The project delves into the concept of identity and hidden emotions, portraying how individuals often conceal their true selves behind metaphorical masks.
About the Project
Masked is a short film created as part of an academic course on Filmmaking at IDC, IIT Bombay. The project required developing a compelling logline, crafting a story and script, handling pre-production, shooting, and editing to bring the concept to life.
The film explores the struggles of a college student grappling with personal failures, the weight of a friend's success, and the ensuing internal and external conflicts.
As someone new to filmmaking, the project was both challenging and rewarding. To make the experience truly immersive, I took on the entire filmmaking process independently—covering pre-production, production, and post-production—while collaborating with my batchmate Aswin S, who contributed as the lead actor. This hands-on journey not only pushed my creative limits but also deepened my understanding of storytelling and filmmaking.